woensdag 22 december 2010

Article 10: Growth of the 'big four' supermarkets


He five supermarkets Tesco, Asda, Sainsburry’s and Morrisons were approved with at least 577 stores in the UK in the past two years. Planning authorities gave them permission for 480 stores in the two years to 1 November. Campaigners say the stores are putting independent traders and the British agriculture out of business. John Walker, national chairman for the Federation of Small Businesses, said “the number of stores which had opened in the UK in two years was a concern, especially when almost 12,000 independent shops closed their doors in 2009”. But the supermarkets say they provide thousands of jobs and they are growing because of the customers. They have the power in retailing. There are a lot of protests against the supermarkets, but because of the permission for approving, they won’t back off.


Those kind of supermarkets have a lot of power. If they want to settle down a store, they will do it. It’s all about money. I don’t believe they carefully consider where they are going to build new supermarkets. I don’t think they are carrying about what towns need or want, they just place the stores where they want to do it. I feel sorry for the independent stores which will fail because of those huge supermarkets. I’m glad we have just the C1000 and the Albert Heijn in the Netherlands, but for how long..?

Article 9: Lunar eclipse fails to set world alight at Newgrange solstice



On Tuesday December 21 the moon passed out of a full eclipse. It was the first time in 450 years and this event is not expected for 200 years as well. A lot of people went to Newgrange in Ireland to see this happening. A lottery was represent to people who wanted to watch the event in the “special chamber”. People also came from all around the world to stand outside the chamber. The visitors came from England, the US, Czech Republic, Sweden and Germany. Unfortunately a lot of snowflakes were falling heavily on the crowd, so it was not possible to see the event clear at all.


Too bad that it was not possible to see the event the way they wanted. Like they said, it’s the first time in 450 years, so it is a really special event. I would be very regretful when I traveled around the world just for that event and there’s nothing to see.