dinsdag 4 januari 2011

Article 13: Facebook used in hunt for Jo Yeates' killer


Nowadays detectives use Facebook for campaigns in bid to catch a killer. One example is the mystery of the founded body of Jo Yeates. Her body was found in Longwood Lane near Bristol on Christmas day, eight days after she was reported missing from her home in Clifton. The campaign asked people to contact the investigation team via the social network website, rather than calling them. Furthermore the advert showed the website with all the latest information on it. Spending time on Facebook is part of everyday life for many people, so they hoped it would be very effective. And indeed it worked out, because it was more effective than posters and leaflet drops. Scott Fulton, head of e-services at the force, said: "Additionally there have been over 63,000 views of the news updates on our website, a further 18,000 on the dedicated Jo page and over 70,000 views of the CCTV clips on our YouTube channel. Through the website we have had 260 inbound messages to the incident room through the website”. The crime scene itself isn’t solved yet, though.


It’s a good thing the investigation teams try to solve the crime scene with the help of Facebook. People are changing and Facebook  has become part of everyday life now. Also the investigation teams have to keep up with the times. Anyway they have to watch out of incorrect posted information on Facebook. Facebook is more easy accessible than to make a phone call. Maybe unserious things will be posted instead of only reliable information about the crime scene. But the opposite is possible though: Because of its easy accessibility, people don’t hesitate about posting important information as well.

1 opmerking:

  1. I agree with you. We live in a world where social media has become a part of our every day life and I personally can't imagine a life without it anymore. If we can put it to good use in a crime case, then why wouldn't we? I just finished an article about a twitter message put out for missing person, she was found after three weeks! I hope we will continue using social media in the search for missing people.
