woensdag 5 januari 2011

Article 14: Baker Street singer Gerry Rafferty dies at age of 63



Scottish singer-songwriter Gerry Rafferty, born in Paisley, has died at the age of 63 because of a long illness.
He began with a musical career, but he especially became famous from his songs Baker Street and Stuck in the Middle with You (those were hits in the 70s). He recorded this songs with his band Stealers Wheel. Gerry Rafferty had a big drink problem and got a liver failure because of the alcohol. After all he died peacefully at home with his daughter at his bedside. People said Rafferty never enjoyed the fame he got, he hated it. Gambaccini (a BBC Radio 2 presenter) said: "He just wasn't of the constitution to deal with the music business, or to respect it. And thus he found fame and artistic success incompatible, and he became a wanderer, a lonely man, allegedly a drinker. And now we have this unhappy end."

Baker Street is my favorite song from Gerry Rafferty. My father always played that song in the car on the way to France or Italy in the summer holidays. I think everyone knows the songs written by Gerry Raffery. He is a very good singer-songwriter and a big quality of him is to translate his feelings with his songs to other people. Rafferty always wrote songs with a lot of emotions in it. It’s very ironic he wanted to become famous by starting a musical career, but he hated the fame though anyway. I wasn’t a big fan of him, I still like his music though, but of course I feel sorry about his death.  

dinsdag 4 januari 2011

Article 13: Facebook used in hunt for Jo Yeates' killer


Nowadays detectives use Facebook for campaigns in bid to catch a killer. One example is the mystery of the founded body of Jo Yeates. Her body was found in Longwood Lane near Bristol on Christmas day, eight days after she was reported missing from her home in Clifton. The campaign asked people to contact the investigation team via the social network website, rather than calling them. Furthermore the advert showed the website with all the latest information on it. Spending time on Facebook is part of everyday life for many people, so they hoped it would be very effective. And indeed it worked out, because it was more effective than posters and leaflet drops. Scott Fulton, head of e-services at the force, said: "Additionally there have been over 63,000 views of the news updates on our website, a further 18,000 on the dedicated Jo page and over 70,000 views of the CCTV clips on our YouTube channel. Through the website we have had 260 inbound messages to the incident room through the website”. The crime scene itself isn’t solved yet, though.


It’s a good thing the investigation teams try to solve the crime scene with the help of Facebook. People are changing and Facebook  has become part of everyday life now. Also the investigation teams have to keep up with the times. Anyway they have to watch out of incorrect posted information on Facebook. Facebook is more easy accessible than to make a phone call. Maybe unserious things will be posted instead of only reliable information about the crime scene. But the opposite is possible though: Because of its easy accessibility, people don’t hesitate about posting important information as well.

maandag 3 januari 2011

Rowan Atkinson - Elementary Dating

Article 12: Two missing after Thames boat capsizes


Yesterday evening a small boat, with 6 people on board, capsized on the river Thames in Surrey. Four people, three women and one man, were rescued and taken to the nearby hospital Frimley Park. They had just minor injuries. Two men are still missing and feared to dead. Police and rescue services were started extensive searches immediately, including the use of a police helicopter. Unfortunately there were no signs of the two missing men. Teams of divers were to begin looking for them today. The other rescue teams are continuing the search of the two men today as well. The search is not covered by the coastguard service, because the stretch of the river is not tidal.


I am wondering why the boat capsized on the river. It is horrible to be on that boat while the accident happened, especially when you also know the two missing men. I hope the rescue teams will find them alive, but I think there is no big change at all. It is cold outside, so the two men will be super cooled very fast. Fortunately the other four people had no big injuries.  

Article 11: Control orders are essential for security, warns peer


The Liberal Democrat peer said the control orders on terror suspects were essential for security. It had been reported that there is a change they will scrap them, but there had no decisions been made yet. The government will fail if there will be another 7-July-style attack, because of the scrapped control orders. "We have a commitment as a party in our manifesto to scrap control orders, but there is absolutely no way that we would scrap control orders and leave the country less safe," said Liberal Democrat deputy leader Simon Hughes.


Everyone should admit control orders on terror suspects are necessary. They have to do everything to prevent a terrorism event. I am sure about the government knows what they are doing. I think they will keep the country safe, even if they scrap the control orders on terror suspects. Then they will find something else to prevent terrorism.

woensdag 22 december 2010

Article 10: Growth of the 'big four' supermarkets


He five supermarkets Tesco, Asda, Sainsburry’s and Morrisons were approved with at least 577 stores in the UK in the past two years. Planning authorities gave them permission for 480 stores in the two years to 1 November. Campaigners say the stores are putting independent traders and the British agriculture out of business. John Walker, national chairman for the Federation of Small Businesses, said “the number of stores which had opened in the UK in two years was a concern, especially when almost 12,000 independent shops closed their doors in 2009”. But the supermarkets say they provide thousands of jobs and they are growing because of the customers. They have the power in retailing. There are a lot of protests against the supermarkets, but because of the permission for approving, they won’t back off.


Those kind of supermarkets have a lot of power. If they want to settle down a store, they will do it. It’s all about money. I don’t believe they carefully consider where they are going to build new supermarkets. I don’t think they are carrying about what towns need or want, they just place the stores where they want to do it. I feel sorry for the independent stores which will fail because of those huge supermarkets. I’m glad we have just the C1000 and the Albert Heijn in the Netherlands, but for how long..?

Article 9: Lunar eclipse fails to set world alight at Newgrange solstice



On Tuesday December 21 the moon passed out of a full eclipse. It was the first time in 450 years and this event is not expected for 200 years as well. A lot of people went to Newgrange in Ireland to see this happening. A lottery was represent to people who wanted to watch the event in the “special chamber”. People also came from all around the world to stand outside the chamber. The visitors came from England, the US, Czech Republic, Sweden and Germany. Unfortunately a lot of snowflakes were falling heavily on the crowd, so it was not possible to see the event clear at all.


Too bad that it was not possible to see the event the way they wanted. Like they said, it’s the first time in 450 years, so it is a really special event. I would be very regretful when I traveled around the world just for that event and there’s nothing to see.     

dinsdag 30 november 2010

Article 8: Man (87) jailed for raping five of his granddaughters



An Irish 87-year-old man was jailed for 12 years. He began to rape the oldest granddaughter when she was around 11 years old. He took her with him to the beach and teaches her how to "French kiss" because boys would expect her to do this. After this he raped her. After this first time, he raped her around three times a week. When the girl’s 4 sisters were also around 11 years old, he did the same to them. Only the youngest granddaughter was raped in the man’s bed, because the man was nearly blind in that time. On many occasions the man took Viagra to enable him to perform the rapes. When the man was arrested he admitted some of the incidents but claimed the girls had often initiated the sex. 


It’s a horrible thing to read. Raping five granddaughters without any notice.. It’s a liberating offence, because the man took Viagra before the occasions. It’s a good thing he’s arrested, even if it’s too late. That man will be locked in prison for the rest of his life. I feel very sorry for all of the five granddaughters.   

Article 7: Talented youth are 'the light in our darkness'


Ireland's president McAleese was speaking at the 25th anniversary of the Gaisce awards ceremony. She presented 57 young Irish people with gold medals. The Gaisce awards ceremony is a National Challenge Award where young people challenge themselves and help their community in order to achieve medals. The young people involved must complete 78 weeks of challenges in the areas of community, skills and physical recreation. For example, one 27 year old girl received a gold medal, because she learnt to fly a helicopter to secure her gold medal. President McAleese said: "It is an angry world -- an angry, worried and disappointed Ireland. So if you are feeling burdened . . . listen to the stories of our award recipients and tell yourself this country will get through". 


I think the possibility of rewarding a gold medal, stimulates people to do more good things in the world. Attention to the special, talented people in the world is needed for a different view on several subjects in the world. Sometimes, people are only focused on the sad, worse and violent happenings instead of the peaceable things. I think the fact that president McAleese has represent this ceremony, it causes more attention, so that’s a good job!

dinsdag 23 november 2010

Article 6: Party funding: major donors 'expect to gain influence and shape policy'


People who give big donations to political parties expect to gain a big influence on the policy. For instance, they want to get permission about changing a few laws by giving a lot of money. If you extend quite a bit of money instead of 5 pounds, you would expect them to give more notice of you. Stuart wheeler said: “Obviously a party is going to take more notice of somebody who might give them lots of money than somebody who won't, but that would be the same in any walk of life”. The opinion of this issue was asked to Dame Denise Platt, one member of the committee. She said: “It's just that a rich person is going to have his or her views heard ... But they shouldn't change their [the politician's] policy if they don't agree with it”.

It’s a normal reaction to adjust things related to the party in exchange for a big pile of money. I’m against this possibility, because every person has the right to be treated equally by the party, no matter their bank account. It’s not the right thought that you can reach everything  with money. I agree with Dame Denise Platt that the party only should change their policy if they agree with it.        

Double Rainbow

Article 5: UK 'to continue deporting failed Iraqi asylum seekers'



The UK will deport failed Iraqi asylum seekers, because Foreign Office minister Alistair Burt said Iraq was now considered safe enough for people to return to. The UK started returning Iraqis to Baghdad last year. The truth is, despite security improvements in Iraq, explosions and shootings are still going on, so it isn’t safe at all. The European Court of Human Rights has objected to the policy about it, because the deportation would apply "Rule 39". This rule means: "that anyone from Iraq who takes their case to the European Court will automatically be allowed to remain in the UK, at least temporarily". Nevertheless the deportation of Iraqis by the policy will be continued. 

Alistair Bult

If Iraq is still not safe, I think it’s wrong to deport Iraqis from the UK. You have to give them a chance of happiness in life, they didn’t escaped to the UK without any good reason. If they will be send back to Iraq, chances are they will be killed or be wounded. Rule 39 is a rule about the human rights. All asylum-seekers have the right to appeal under Rule 39, so if they decline the deportation, they have to get permission to stay in the UK.

donderdag 18 november 2010

Article 4: Four arrested after man found dying in van in Berkshire



A death man, badly beaten and wrapped in plastic, was found in a van. The police were searching for this vehicle after they received a tip. The man was alive when they found him, but because the ambulance arrived 45 minutes after the van was pulled over, unfortunately the man died. A witness said “I could see the body beneath the van, saying the person had no shoes on and was very still”. Officers suspect that the 4 occupants of the van may be involved in crime and later on they were all arrested. 


Of course I don’t know what really happened, so I don’t know the reason why they tortured the man. Maybe he did horrible things to the occupants of the van and he earned to die this way, but the opposite could be true as well. It’s a pity the ambulance arrive too late, because if it arrived on time, they would have got a real, more honest whiteness of the whole happening.  

Article 3: Flood-hit Cornwall residents prepare for clean-up



The residents of Cornwall are flabbergasted by a big mud flood on Tuesday into Wednesday. A massive clean-up operation is under way in Cornwall after severe flooding resulted in more than 100 homes being evacuated. They don't know anything about the total damage and how much the clean-up operation would cost the local authority yet. The coucil expect to have a better idea of the costs, later this day. The county's transport network is disrupted, schools are closed, and a 700-year-old bridge over the river in Lostwithiel is currently shut for the assesment of damage. Nevertheless there were no reports of serious injuries. The other good news is that now the flood waters are receding in Cornwall and now the clean-up operation will start as soon as possible.


People get overwhelmed in Cornwall if suddenly there is a mud flood, because it's not the usual thing of happening for those residents. Because of this exception, the local authority is not prepared to deal with this problem immidiately. I think every authority has to be prepared for every problem or happening, just in case it's necessarily. If something will happen like a flood, the cleaning operations are able to start with the cleaning process immidiately. 

dinsdag 16 november 2010

Speakers' Corner

My article for the "Speakers' Corner" will be "Spearmint Rhino 'schoolgirl' poster banned". So read this one before class.

My controversial statement is: 

A poster, featuring a woman dressed as a schoolgirl to promote a back to school party for a lapdance club, sexualises teenage girls and links them with sexually provocative behaviour

woensdag 10 november 2010

Article 2: Spearmint Rhino 'schoolgirl' poster banned


The lapdancing club Spearmint Rhino had started a poster campaign featuring a woman dressed as a schoolgirl to promote a ‘back to school party’. The poster promised an evening with sexy schoolgirl staff and entertainers. A few people complained to the Advertising Standard Authorities (ASA) about this campaign and said the poster "sexualised teenage girls and linked them with sexually provocative behaviour". Spearmint Rhino removed the posters, but nevertheless they believed the poster was acceptable and they obeyed the demands of the company who owned the space where the posters were displayed.  


I find it a big commotion about actually nothing. I think some people are too prudish. If the posters aren’t hanging next to a playground or primary school, but just hanging in a building intended for adults, I see no problem. Some people may have weird fetishes about schoolgirls, but that doesn’t mean they are immediately paedophiles. I think you don’t create a fascination for these schoolgirls by hanging such poster, but you invite people and bring people together who have this interest already. In my opinion there is no relation with sexually provocative behavior. And on the other site, you’d better bring pedophiles to this party with only adult staff and entertainers where they can express their feelings legally, than that they express them on children.

Article 1: Woman jailed for dropping rape charges was in 'abusive' marriage



A 28 year old woman was send to jail for lying about the rape and violence from her husband. The pair met around 10 years ago, but after 4 years the first slap began. She lived, with her 4 children, in a violent relationship with her husband and because of this, the police were called several times. One example about the extremely violence of the husband is the moment he came back to the family home after being kicked out of it. One of the jailed woman’s sisters said: "He pulled her outside by her hair and pushed her into the garden fence, before ripping her clothes off. One of her older children later told the police he saw her run back into the house with no clothes on". He was arrested and the child and mother were interviewed, but no charges were brought.

Everyone thought there was no possibility to send her to prison, because she had no previous record of criminality and she was the main carer for her 4 young sons. Despite that they arrested her by the crime of lying to the police. And it seems unlikely her husband will ever stand trial on the rape charges: the charges against him have been dropped.


This is typically a bureaucratic case. Lying to the police about these important cases is actionable, but the offences themselves are not indictable because there are no charges against it. The court of justice is composed very dishonest in relation with some cases. The husband of the jailed woman has the right to be prosecuted, instead of the opposite. He manipulated, menaced and used violence against his wife, so she probably didn’t dare to charge him. There are no people who inspect those things, which has to happen in my opinion. I relate this to very black and white thinking.

dinsdag 9 november 2010

Why this blog?

I'm following the English minor at the HU. For the English Culture (UKOK!) course I need to create a blog about recent digital newspapers about and from Britain. I will post at least 14 articles (2 each week) with my own reaction on it. I really look forward to find out a lot about Britain this way and if you want to found out more about these countries as well, just read my page! =)